[January] An update

しろくまオーガズム | 古町/ 雪森寧々

しろくまオーガズム | 古町/ 雪森寧々

[Sun, January 29, afternoon]

Dear Terriann,

I’d start with the regular apology about being late and whatnot, but you know I am sorry, and much has happened for the both of us, so I feel like it’s fair to skip it for this once. I have been meaning to send you a letter, but I’ve been re-writing it over and over again. I feel like every time I send you something it just takes so long to arrive that by the time you pick it up from your doormat the contents of the letter won’t be relevant anymore. So instead, I’ll update this blog. I will send you something soon, don’t worry. But, even if I write you like this, it still doesn’t feel the same. And because I value your letters to me more than anything, by writing you this way feel like I’m just not giving you enough opportunity to answer in a similar manner. So I’ll get on that. Promise.

But yeah, the update. New year, same old me. I’ll tell you about my year briefly. And, while I’m at it, I can tell you about some big and exciting projects that are coming up for me. Continue reading

[November] My first screw-up and why people should be more obvious about things

まどろみ | はるこ

まどろみ | はるこ

[Sun, November 1rst, evening]

Dear Terriann,

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I still have a September draft saved, but I never finished writing it.

Sorry for just skipping trough October. I felt like there wasn’t anything interesting for me to write about, even though things have happened. But only small stuff. I know other bloggers would tell me there’s always something to write about, even if there’s nothing to talk about. But the reason why I’m writing you now is because I really wanted to.
I felt like updating you on all the small things, or maybe I just wanted to get it off my mind. I haven’t been updating my other blog, I felt too tired to even think about trying to compose a reasonable looking post. I’ve been working a lot. And a few days ago I had my first screwup. Continue reading

[September] I find out why I’m always out of money


[Wed, September 16, midnight]

Dear Terriann,

Today was my first day at work.
That’s right! I got a job! It’s a really small dollar store, but it’s a big deal for me. I saw my friends yesterday and I wouldn’t shut up about it. I’m actually working with one of my best friends, so I guess I can call her a colleague now. She’s been around looking for a job for almost as long as I have, and she probably started the search much sooner than I did. But well, we both ended up at the same place in the end.

As you may or may not know, I’m not the best with money. I don’t have a gaping big hole in my wallet, but whenever I see cheap bracelets or Hello Kitty collectables, my bank card just seems to have a mind of his own.
Clothing is a problem too. I wouldn’t call myself a shopaholic, but people have called me that before, but since it’s a pretty heavy label to put on someone  in Holland (in my experience), I have been starting to question my own shopping behavior. Take for example, today.

Continue reading

A Post of Introduction


Hello everyone, and welcome to new personal blog.
You’re probably a little confused as to why I suddenly made another blog, completely unrelated to anything I have written about before. It’s not as very long story, the idea of creating a blog like this has been playing in my head for a little while now.

The concept of this blog is to publish letters I have never written to my dearest friend and penpal Terriann from Canada. She doesn’t know I created this blog, I was meant to inform her and ask her permission on this, but I chickened out on the last moment because I felt a little bit creepy dedicating a blog to her, and didn’t want her to feel obligated to reaf every one of my shitty posts.

But this blog won’t be all about her. Sure, I’ll make it seem like the post is a letter written to her, but the idea behind this that writing about whatever is bothering me, or I’m excited about, or things that happened to me, will help me order my thoughts. No, this is not a diary, nor a vent blog, just a place I want to try to translate my thoughts and ideas into words as an experiment.
And again, I probably won’t update as regularly as once a week, but just post and write whenever I feel like it.

I’d like to write more, but since I already explained pretty much everything, I’ll stop here for now. Oh, and I’ll probably change the theme in the future to something lighter. If one of you guys has a really great theme you want to recommend, feel free to do so on twitter(@animeandelse)!

I hope to see you around again!

– Aya